Contact Your Representatives


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This is a list of the organizations by state which are affiliated with CCRKBA. For information on becoming an affiliate please click here.

Anti 2A Groups

Don’t Feed The Gun Prohibitionists!

Learn the facts, or you will get what you pay for. The following companies and/or their decision makers have instituted anti-firearm corporate policy or have pressed lawmakers to enact further strict legislation.


The information contained herein is nothing more than a basic guide. Before you choose to carry a concealed firearm outside your state of residence, check with the appropriate authorities (usually the State Police) to determine the current status of reciprocity. Such information is also frequently contained on a state’s website (usually under the Attorney General, Secretary of State, or State Police Agency).


Action Items

Hold the Line!

Wyoming Needs Your Help in Protecting the Second Amendment Wyoming's SF0102 passed its second reading today by the Judiciary Committee and will likely see its third reading tomorrow. Let Wyoming senators know you're behind them; send them a message of encouragement...

No Time To Waste on ESHB 1705!

Washington State Senate Committee on Law and Justice To Hold Hearing on Privately Manufactured Firearms ESHB 1705 has passed the House and is now in the Senate Committee on Law and Justice. The grossly vague ESHB 1705's goal is to prevent you from being...

SB 182 Needs Your Support Now

South Dakota Introduces Bill to Stop Financial Bullying of Firearms & Ammo Companies South Dakota's SB 182 was introduced February 1st and is scheduled for a Senate hearing on February 15th. SB 182 prevents government institutions from entering into contracts with...