Dec 1, 2000 | News Releases
U.S. Constitution, Amendment II (also known as the Second Amendment) A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. One Comma or Three? The Final (ratified) version had...
Nov 30, 2000 | News Releases
These collections of important quotes are designed to educate people on the real nature of the gun control debate. These quotes are helpful for debates, research papers, and letters to the editor. The quotes are listed by category and whenever possible, a hyperlink to...
Nov 30, 2000 | News Releases
Important Quotes on Guns, Liberty, Government, Militia & Crime These collections of important quotes are designed to educate people on the real nature of the gun control debate. These quotes are helpful for debates, research papers, and letters to the editor. The...
Oct 23, 2000 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, Wash. — In the aftermath of Friday’s tragic courthouse shooting in Yreka, Calif., the leader of a top firearms civil rights organization said this case is yet another example of why restrictive gun laws do not work. Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the...
Sep 11, 2000 | News Releases
National gun rights leaders will join with hundreds of local activists for the 2000 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) on September 29th, 30th and October 1st at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia in order to protect the rights of law-abiding...
Aug 17, 2000 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, Wash. – An Ohio Appeals Court’s unanimous rejection of Cincinnati’s lawsuit against the firearms industry was lauded Monday by the head of a gun rights organization that is currently suing the U.S. Conference of Mayors over this and similar...