Sep 24, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Hundreds of gun rights activists from across the nation gathered at Cincinnati, OH over the weekend of Sept. 21-23 for the 16th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, sponsored jointly by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee...
Sep 19, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA. – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today applauded Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) for his “Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001,” noting that it directly responds to CCRKBA’s demand that commercial airline...
Sep 11, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Condemning as “despicable” the horrible attacks on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon by terrorist hijackers who used commercial airliners as weapons, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today...
Sep 4, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Legislation that would require a handgun purchaser in Florida to first obtain a license from the Attorney General’s office was denounced by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. “Florida residents should not be...
Aug 28, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Having finally acknowledged that “It’s the right of every law-abiding American to own guns,” Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy dropped her support for a three-day waiting period on gun show purchases, causing one of the...
Aug 21, 2001 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – An overwhelming majority of Washington residents, including a huge segment of the minority community, agree with US Attorney General John Ashcroft’s view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, according...