CCRKBA responds to BATF request for GUN SHOW information.

Dear Assistant Director Wooton: This letter is a response to your open letter of 23 November 1998 regarding the President’s radio address about gun shows. While all of us in the gun owning community share the President’s concern about guns falling into the...

National Gun Owner I.D. Law?

On Wednesday, June 17th, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) published the proposed “Driver’s License/SSN/National Identification Document” guidelines which will compel all states to...


Senators Ron Wyden (D) and Gordon Smith (R) of Oregon have introduced a bill encouraging states to pass legislation mandating detention for any student found to be in possession of a firearm on school premises in violation of federal or state law. S. 2169 would...

Gun Turn-Ins Cheat Owners, Destroy Evidence

The rabid gun control group, Ceasefire Oregon, has announced it’s 5th annual voluntary gun turn-in event, to be held on two successive Saturdays in early May. Gun owners may trade their “unwanted firearms” for $50 gift certificates from several local...

‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

The Third District Court of Appeals ruled a major portion of California’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban is a violation of the separation of powers doctrine and the due process of law. The three-person panel also directed a lower court to review the...