Aug 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
It’s less than 90 days to E-Day – Election Day. That may seem like a lot of time, but before you know it, the election will be on top of us. In many states there will be primary elections in August or September to narrow the field. The point here is that there...
Jul 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
We’re entering a critical period in the legislative cycle. The new fiscal year begins on October 1, and Congress must get more than a dozen appropriation bills to the President to keep the federal government running. The appropriation process is the literal...
Jun 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
The Million Mom March has come and gone…all 100,000 of them (by photographic comparisons with earlier marches of known attendance). For all practical purposes, the MMM was a paid political event, orchestrated by the White House strictly for media impact....
May 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
Many state legislatures have adjourned for the rest of the year. Some states, such as Maryland, passed new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. In others, most notably Colorado, new gun controls were effectively blocked. The state legislators we elect this...
Feb 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
With Congress reconvening it is very important to keep in contact with your legislators with regard to your Second Amendment rights. We kept our rights from deteriorating in 1999; we must keep up the pressure. The Juvenile Justice Bill is not dead. It is in a...
Jan 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
Many state legislatures reconvene in January. Our focus over the past several months has been riveted in Washington, D. C. While Congress fortunately remained in gridlock, we have achieved several important victories – and suffered some losses – in state...