May 2002

Virginia Gov. Mark Warner signed a measure prohibiting local governments from undermining a state firearm preemption law by enacting their own gun control regulations. Alexandria passed a measure banning guns in municipal buildings. The new state law overturns this....

April 2002

In California, pro-gun rights candidate Bill Simon, Jr. defeated anti-gun Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Political newcomer Simon’s victory came as a surprising upset. In a poll taken Jan. 23-27, Riordan had a 33 –point...

March 2002

The students who stopped a crazed gunman in late January at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Virginia were able to do so because they were armed with guns, even though few media reports of the incident noted that fact. When Peter Odighizuwa, a discontented...

February 2002

President George W. Bush has named John W. Magaw to head the Transportation Security Administration. Magaw, a former director of the Secret Service and BATF, has been Acting Executive Director of the Office of National Preparedness within the Federal Emergency...

Richard Poe

Richard Poe, author of the book, The Seven Myths of Gun Control, is the January recipient of the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award. “For years,” said CCRKBA Public Affairs Director John M. Snyder, “we have witnessed gungrabbing establishmentarians...