October 2004

“Ten years of deception finally is over,” declared CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb early last month as the decade-old ban on production of certain semiautomatic firearms came to an end. Passed in 1994, the law did not ban possession of so-called “assault...

September 2004

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did the right thing when he vetoed a so-called “gun safety education” bill because of its potential to allow anti-gun propaganda to be taught in the guise of public safety, CCRKBA stated. The bill, SB1177 “was an attempt to...

August 2004

In Bellevue, Washington, CCRKBA hailed an announcement by the government in Saudi Arabia that foreigners who feel threatened by a wave of militant violence can carry guns for their personal protection. “This sensible move by the Saudi government should send a signal...

July 2004

In Reno, Nevada, federal agents said agents working undercover at gun shows in Nevada the past year have arrested 14 suspects on charges ranging from dealing firearms without a license to illegal possession of machine guns and explosives. The FBI, the Bureau of...

June 2004

In Washington, D.C., CCRKBA announced its opposition to H.R. 4292, by Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton of the District of Columbia, to ban the commercial sale of .50-caliber rifles. The anti-gun Violence Policy Center (VPC) staged a so-called...