Dec 1, 1999 | Quick Shots
Alan M. Gottlieb, CCRKBA Chairman, said last month that the recent shooting-murders in Honolulu, Hawaii prove all the laws in the world won’t “stop someone from committing a crazy act,” reported Heather Maher of On November 2, seven...
Dec 1, 1999 | Citizens Action Project
The 106th Congress has adjourned for the winter break, and most of our legislators have returned to their home districts. This is the best time to show them that there is a pro-gun element of their constituency that is politically active and vocal. There are many ways...
Nov 1, 1999 | Quick Shots
In Cincinnati, Ohio, a state judge on October 7 dismissed the city’s lawsuit against the firearms industry, saying the city was improperly asking a court to change the way guns are designed, marketed and distributed, something only a legislature could do. The...
Nov 1, 1999 | Citizens Action Project
 With the school year beginning nationwide some serious attention must be paid to exactly how the school systems are dealing with the recent spate of school shootings. The gun grabbers and their media toadies would like to believe that the answer is strict gun...