Mar 5, 2000 | News Releases
Citibank, a member of CitiGroup, has agreed to drop its biased policy of refusing accounts of lawful firearms businesses in response to the Second Amendment Foundation’s boycott. Citibank will now treat “small firearms businesses” the same as other...
Feb 28, 2000 | News Releases
In response to Citibank’s refusal to accept accounts of lawful firearms businesses, the Second Amendment Foundation has called for a nationwide boycott of Citibank and all other members of the CitiGroup Conglomerate. “Let’s make ourselves heard as a...
Feb 1, 2000 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
Bob Novak, the celebrated co-host of CNN’s evening “Crossfire”program who celebrates his birthday this month, is the designated recipient of the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award for February. In nominating Novak for the award, John...
Feb 1, 2000 | Quick Shots
When anti-gun Rep. Charles E. Schumer of New York was running for the U. S. Senate from New York in 1998, reported THE NEW YORK TIMES, “he was probably aware when he spoke with securities industry lobbyists about deregulation that the industry had donated $1.28...
Feb 1, 2000 | Citizens Action Project
With Congress reconvening it is very important to keep in contact with your legislators with regard to your Second Amendment rights. We kept our rights from deteriorating in 1999; we must keep up the pressure. The Juvenile Justice Bill is not dead. It is in a...