Mission Statement
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is dedicated to protecting your firearms rights. Our role is to educate grassroots activists, the public, legislators, and the media. Our programs are designed to help all Americans understand the importance of the Second Amendment and its role in keeping Americans free.

Featured Articles
Washington Anti-gun Legislators Shotgun State Preemption Law
View Bill Text Washington HB 1178 repeals state preemption under RCW 9.41.290 and allows each city, town, county and other municipality to create its own firearm laws.This new patchwork of laws could potentially make criminals out of...
Illinois Targets Millions of Citizens In New Gun Control Scheme
View Bill Text Illinois HB 5471 is a blatant attack on Illinoians' Second Amendment rights and will make felons out of law-abiding citizens who own any "assault weapon attachments".Among the laundry list of rights violations are these items below. A list...
BELLEVUE, WA – Headlined by Tim McGraw, Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, and Taylor Swift, 19 prominent County music artists have been added to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms’ (CCRKBA) gun prohibitionist list. The list of performers, obviously...
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Liberty Park
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Voice: 425-454-4911
Fax: 425-451-3959
Toll Free: 800-486-6963
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