Mission Statement
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is dedicated to protecting your firearms rights. Our role is to educate grassroots activists, the public, legislators, and the media. Our programs are designed to help all Americans understand the importance of the Second Amendment and its role in keeping Americans free.
Featured Articles
BELLEVUE, WA – A new survey by The Economist and YouGov shows only 29 percent of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s performance on guns, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says a detailed examination of polling data shows the president is in...
Act Now To Stop Colorado’s Mandatory Firearm Vehicle Storage
SB24-066 Bill Text CO HB24-1348 would unconstitutionally require specific methods of storage of firearms inside vehicles.Anyone found in violation of the "law" would be subject to a fine of up to $500 per offense. CLICK HERE to Contact the House Judiciary Committee...
Act Now To Stop Colorado’s De Facto Gun Registry
View Bill Text CO SB24-066 would create a tracking system that would require coding of firearm and firearm accessory sales. Anyone refusing to comply would be fined $10,000 per violation by the "exclusive authority" of the attorney general or his underlings.The goal...
Contact Us
Liberty Park
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Voice: 425-454-4911
Fax: 425-451-3959
Toll Free: 800-486-6963