Press Releases
In New York City early several City Council members, while displaying a cache of "lethal-looking weapons made of plastic," according to THE NEW YORK TIMES, introduced a bill to outlaw all toy guns that look like the real thing. The December 10,...
January 1999
With a new Congress (the 106th) taking office in Washington, DC., it is important to remind your Representatives and Senators of your opposition to legislation which would infringe on your right to keep and bear arms. Many gun owners follow a...
Concealed Carry Movement Continues to Gain Ground
More than half of the citizens of the United States live in states that issue concealed (firearm) carry licenses to those individuals who can meet clear, objective criteria. These criteria usually include no disqualifying criminal or mental health...
BELLEVUE, WA (December 9, 1998)-The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), a gun owner advocacy and educational organization, notified the US Conference of Mayors in a faxed letter dated Dec. 8 that it plans to sponsor a "damage action" against the...
CCRKBA responds to BATF request for GUN SHOW information.
Dear Assistant Director Wooton: This letter is a response to your open letter of 23 November 1998 regarding the President's radio address about gun shows. While all of us in the gun owning community share the President's concern about guns falling...