Act Now To Stop Virginia’s “Assault Weapon” Ban!

View Bill Text VA H.B. 2 unconstitutionally bans modern firearms in use by law-abiding, responsible citizens for lawful purposes.Virginia anti-gun democrats will settle for nothing less than your absolute, unquestioning compliance to their tyranny or your forced...

Stop Washington “FFL Killer” Bill

This Bill Is Still Alive. Take Action Today to Stop It! View Bill Text WA H.B. 2118 would force licensed firearm dealers to spend exorbitant amounts of money on cumbersome and redundant security systems.Estimates by contractors for setting up and...

Support Congress’s Effort to Rein in the ATF

View Resolution Text H.R.6734 stops unconstitutional acts by the Biden Administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives whose new “rule” could prevent you from transferring a firearm to a friend or family member without...

Stop the Senate’s Attempt to Restrict Ammo Sales

View Bill Text S.3223 imposes severe, unconstitutional restrictions and penalties on both buyers and sellers of ammunition.S.3223 makes it harder for citizens to buy ammo by forcing them to jump through the same hoops required for buying a firearm.And, in an...

Stop California’s Second Amendment ‘Tax’

View Bill Text California AB-28 unjustly imposes an additional, punitive tax on ammunition, firearms and many firearm parts.In addition to infringing on the rights of citizens and making it more difficult for them to purchase such items, it requires Federally...