Jun 1, 2009 | Quick Shots
With the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to fill the Supreme Court seat of retiring Associate Justice David Souter, President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet to gun owners all across America. Judge Sotomayor has a long history of hostility to gun owners, from...
May 1, 2009 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
“In these troublous times, anti-gun extremists are on the offensive in the Nation’s Capital and in a number of states throughout our country,†noted John M. Snyder, CCRKBA Public Affairs Director. “Fortunately for us who honor traditional American principles...
May 1, 2009 | Quick Shots
On April 10, 2009 ABC aired an episode of 20/20 entitled “If I had a gun,†hosted by Diane Sawyer. The program was a contemptible example of advocacy journalism. Despite unimpeachable research by academics such as Professors Gary Kleck and John Lott proving...
Apr 1, 2009 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
U.S. Senator John Thune of South Dakota is the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month for April. John M. Snyder, CCRKBA Public Affairs Director, nominated Sen. Thune for the Award. “Sen. Thune,†said Snyder, “throughout his public life, has been an outspoken...
Mar 1, 2009 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
It was nearly two years ago that a mentally disturbed student used a firearm to murder 32 people at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and then committed suicide. While this tragedy was used by gun control advocates as an occasion to promote additional restrictions...