Recent history has shown us that in the fight to advance gun rights for all American, it sometimes falls to a resident non-citizen to do some heavy lifting on behalf of the Second Amendment, and so it was with Martin Pot (pronounced “Pote”).
Pot recently challenged an Arkansas law that only allowed concealed carry licenses to citizens. Supported by CCRKBA’s sister organization, the Second Amendment Foundation, and represented by attorney David Sigale, Pot took the state to federal court.
U.S. District Judge Timothy L. Brooks, for the Western District of Arkansas, handed down the ruling in May.
This was a particularly speedy verdict, Gottlieb noted Pot filed his lawsuit only last November.
“This is yet another victory in our effort to expand Second Amendment protections in the United States,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. “Mr. Pot is a law-abiding resident of Eureka Springs, and has been so since 1986. He came here almost 30 years ago, met and married his wife, and has many solid connections in his community.
“This case is not unique,” Gottlieb noted. “We have successfully challenged other state laws, in New Mexico, Washington, Nebraska and Massachusetts. Legal resident aliens should not be penalized at the expense of their self-defense rights. This case that should help a lot people.”
Arkansas statute allowed Pot to possess a firearm only in his home, on his property or – under certain circumstances – while on a “journey.” He was prohibited from obtaining a concealed carry permit because he is not a citizen.
Anytime a law-abiding person’s right of self-defense is impaired, gun owners should be alarmed.
With allies like Martin Pot, the fight to fully restore the Second Amendment is made just a tiny bit easier. That’s why Point Blank is recognizing him as our Gun Rights Defender of the Month.