BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today announced that Andrew Gottlieb has been named managing director.

For the past eight years, he has served as director of outreach and development for CCRKBA’s sister organization, the Second Amendment Foundation. Gottlieb, son of CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, stepped into his new post Tuesday.

In his new position, Gottlieb will focus on fund raising growth and membership expansion, and raising CCRKBA’s profile as a direct and grassroots lobbying organization.

“I am excited about my new role for the Citizens Committee,” Gottlieb said. “We’re seeing more efforts by anti-gunners to erode our firearms rights, and it is time for the CCRKBA to take on a much larger role in this battle.”

In the past, CCRKBA has focused its efforts on supporting local grassroots organizations, with affiliate groups in nearly every state. The Committee annually co-sponsors the Gun Rights Policy Conference, which will be held Sept. 22-24 in Phoenix this year.

Occasionally, CCRKBA also enters into the legal arena normally dominated by SAF. For example, CCRKBA is a plaintiff in the federal lawsuit challenging the ban on so-called “assault weapons” in Maryland. CCRKBA was also a plaintiff in the successful challenge of Seattle’s effort to ban firearms in city park facilities in violation of Washington State’s long-standing firearms preemption statute.

“I look forward to growing the Citizens Committee and expanding our projects,” Gottlieb stated. “We have entered an era where the gun prohibition movement has been emboldened by the presence of an anti-gun-rights administration, despite three Supreme Court rulings affirming the individual right to keep and bear arms. We’re going to meet that challenge head-on.”