As we begin a new year, let’s consider the future of the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms. Critical to its future is our young law-abiding armed citizenry. It’s important for the future of the right to keep and bear arms that potential law-abiding gun rights activists receive the encouragement now for the battles they surely will face with the gun grabbers of tomorrow.
CCRKBA Members and Supporters could look into whatever policies on gun rights exist in schools of which they are alumni. If these schools are in line with the Second Amendment, they ought to be encouraged and if not, they ought to be challenged, with letters to high school, college and university administrative officials.
Groups should be encouraged and supported. One of these, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), is a non-partisan, grassroots national organization of over 8,500 college students, faculty members, parents and concerned citizens who support the right of concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses.
SCCC seeks to educate the public about the facts of concealed carry and dispel the many myths about concealed carry. It’s pushing state legislatures and school administrations to grant concealed handgun license holders the same right – the right to carry concealed handguns – on college campuses that these license holders currently enjoy at most other places. You may want to take a look at SCCC by checking out the group at