BELLEVUE, WA – Alaska received an A+ and Michigan an A for enacting new laws during 2002 that eased restrictions on the right to bear arms, in the latest Concealed Carry Report Card issued by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

However, Ohio and Wisconsin retained their F grades for having scuttled opportunities to create sensible concealed carry statutes, and New Mexico gets an F because that state’s new concealed carry law included an “opt-out” provision that made it unconstitutional.

Concealed carry is becoming an increasingly hot topic at both the state and federal level. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack, tens of thousands of Americans became gun owners for the first time in their lives, and began applying for licenses to carry. National reciprocity is growing closer, and more states are looking at concealed carry as a legitimate option. Conclusive studies, such as University of Chicago Professor John Lott’s, have shown that concealed carry states have lower violent crime rates than states without it. However, as more and more states give their citizens back the right of self-protection, extremist gun control organizations continue to pressure lawmakers to deny law abiding citizens this essential right.

This report is a state by state breakdown of concealed carry laws of all fifty states. Included is a rating given by analysts at the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). The grading system was based on the following criteria:

1. “May Issue” vs. “Shall Issue”- “May Issue” states are those that leave blanket discretion in the hands of the bureaucrats as to whether or not to grant the permit, often under capricious and arbitrary reasons. “Shall Issue” states must issue the applicant the permit if the set, objective standards are met. “Shall Issue” states will score higher than “May Issue”.
2. Safety Training- Those who are applying for a concealed carry permit generally have a full understanding of their handgun prior to the issuing of the permit. Despite this fact, many states require mandatory handgun training, ranging from the mundane to the excessive. It is not the government’s place to dictate a training regime. States that do not require training will score higher than those that do will.
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- NICS, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, is now online, and most states who issue concealed carry licenses are shifting to this system.
4. Persons prohibited from carrying- Those who are ineligible to own a handgun under existing law in the first place should not be allowed to carry. Any other additions to the list are frivolous. The more state restrictions apart from the federal guidelines the lower the grade.
5. Prohibited places to carry- Crossing an arbitrary line does not suddenly turn a law abiding citizen into a ruffian. Those who actually apply for a permit are law-abiding members of society. Therefore, it does not matter where they carry, as they will not break the law. The more prohibited areas in the law the lower the grade.
6. Licensing Procedures- The actual process of obtaining a concealed carry permit should not be difficult. The more hoops and hurdles the applicant has to jump through, the lower the grade. Many states require large fees, variable fees from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, or a duration period of only one year. These restrictive factors will lower the overall grade.
7. Reciprocity- Just as with restrictions on carrying locations, a state border should not invalidate a concealed carry license. The more states that recognize others concealed carry licenses, the better. Reciprocity receives a higher grade.

The most important factor is whether the individual state is “Shall Issue” or not. When there is not an unbiased, objective standard to follow rights will be, and are, denied. Only one person in Hawaii has a concealed carry permit, and apart from the state being “May Issue” the concealed carrying laws are relatively lax. Because a bureaucrat has the final say so due to the law, citizens are denied the right of self-protection on a daily basis. Hawaii is just one example of the egregious violation of civil rights due to discretionary issue of concealed carry permits.

Seven states do not allow concealed carry at all. All of those states received “F” ratings. New Mexico does not allow concealed carry because of that state’s Supreme Court ruling, but it does allow carrying of handguns in vehicles without a permit. No “May Issue” state rated better than a “D”, except Alabama. Alabama rated a “B” because they rarely, if ever, deny permits to legally eligible applicants.

Criminals are going to carry guns regardless of the law. Any person willing to commit the violent crimes of rape, robbery, assault or murder could not care less about a “don’t carry” law. The only people hurt in non-carry states are law-abiding citizens. Thomas Jefferson cites Cesare Beccaria as saying it best:

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that it has no remedy for evils, except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are of such a nature…Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. (Beccaria, ON CRIME AND PUNISHMENT 87-88, cited from Thomas Jefferson, COMMON PLACE BOOK 314)

These ideals were poignant first to Beccaria in the sixteenth century, then to Jefferson at our country’s birth, and are still so today. Concealed carry has been empirically proven to lower violent crime rates. For responsible gun owners concealed carry is synonymous with concealed security.

Alabama- B
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to issuers discretion
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- violent criminals, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- public demonstrations, schools
6. Licensing Procedures- fee (varies by county), pass background check, 19 years or older
7. Reciprocity- ID, IN, KY, MI

Alaska- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- state and federal checks
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, some misdemeanor offenders, dishonorable discharges, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement and correctional facilities, schools, courthouses, state and federal offices, secure area of airports, posted residences and meetings, financial institutions
6. Licensing Procedures- $122 for five years, pass background check, complete training, 21 years old
7. Reciprocity- All state permits recognized; Alaska permits honored in AL, AZ, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, NH, ND, OK, SD, UT, VA, WY

Arizona- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall Issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal record and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- any place that sells alcohol, polling places, correctional facilities, schools, nuclear generating facilities, federal facilities, posted buildings
6. Licensing Procedures- pass criminal and mental health check, complete training course, $50 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AK, AR, ID,IN,KY,MI, MT, TX,UT, VA

Arkansas- B
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal record check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement or prison facilities, government buildings, polling places, courthouses, public parks, athletic events, any place that sells alcohol, schools or colleges, airport terminals, places of worship, posted buildings, parades and demonstrations
6. Licensing Procedures- pass criminal record check, sign oath of allegiance to US and Arkansas, pass training course, $139 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AK, AZ, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, OK, SC, TX,TN, TX, UT, VA

California- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- up to local law enforcement
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to local law enforcement
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to local law enforcement
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to local law enforcement
6. Licensing Procedures- up to local law enforcement
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Colorado- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to issuers discretion
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- state government facilities, schools
6. Licensing Procedures- up to issuers discretion
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Connecticut- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal record and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons and mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- places that “mature judgement” dictates no handgun should be carried, i.e. bars, during arguments and other stressful situations, general assembly buildings, and places where carrying is prohibited by owner
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background checks, obtain a local license first, complete training course, $35 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Delaware- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to issuers discretion
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- none
6. Licensing Procedures- $34.50 for three years, provide five references of moral character
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, UT

Florida- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal record and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, violent misdemeanors, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law enforcement or detention facilities, courthouses, polling places, government meetings, schools, colleges, professional sporting events, bars, airports, federal property
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, demonstrate competence with firearm, $90 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, AR, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, MT, NH, ND, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY

Georgia- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- public gatherings such as churches, sporting events, rallies, publicly owned buildings, establishments selling alcohol for consumption, schools
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, $15 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, NH, SD, TN, UT, WY

Hawaii- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to issuers discretion
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- $10 for one year, must prove need for permit
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, UT

Idaho- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- sheriff may require proof of familiarity with firearm
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- courthouses, juvenile facilities or jails, schools and school buses
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, $20 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, GA, IN, KY, MI, MT, NH, UT, VA, WY

Illinois- F
No concealed carry is allowed

Indiana- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- schools
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, $25 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, GA, ID, KY, MI, MT, NH, SD, UT, WY

Iowa- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- none
6. Licensing Procedures- $10 for one year
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Kansas- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

Kentucky- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- police station, prisons, courthouses, government buildings, bars, schools, daycare facilities, airports, churches,
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training, $60 for three years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AR, AK, AZ, FL. GA, ID, IN, LA, MI, MO, MT, NH. ND, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, WV, WY

Louisiana- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check, military record check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- anywhere carrying is banned by federal, state, local laws; law enforcement offices, prisons, courthouses, polling places, government buildings, churches, demonstrations, bars, schools, property where carrying is banned at owners discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training course, $100 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AK, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, TN, TX, UT, VA, WY

Maine- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, mental health, military
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- bars
6. Licensing Procedures- $35 for four years, pass background check and training course
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, UT

Maryland- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- $70 for two years, prove “good and substantial” reason to carry
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Massachusetts- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- none
6. Licensing Procedures- up to issuers discretion
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Michigan- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training – required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying – convicted felons, persons otherwise disqualified under state statute including mentally ill, those under court restraining order
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- anywhere carrying is banned by federal, state, local laws; prisons, courthouses, public stadiums, government buildings, churches (unless allowed by governing board), bars, schools including colleges and community colleges, property where carrying is banned at owners discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- Apply to county gun board. CPL good for three years, changing to five years after July 1, 2003
7. Reciprocity- Al, AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MT. NH, ND, SD, UT, VA, WY

Minnesota- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- complete training program, prove reason to carry
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Mississippi- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement facilities, jails, courthouses, polling places, government buildings and entities, public parks, schools, airports, churches, parades, posted buildings
6. Licensing Procedures- $100 for four years, pass background check
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, TN, UT, WY

Missouri- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

Montana- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, military and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, dishonorably discharged, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- state, federal or local government buildings, banks, bars
6. Licensing Procedures- $50 for four years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MI, ND, SD, UT, WY

Nebraska- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

Nevada- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement facilities, prisons, courthouses, schools, government buildings, posted buildings
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training, $60 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

New Hampshire- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- habitual drunkard, felons, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- courtrooms
6. Licensing Procedures- $10 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MI, ND, UT, WY

New Jersey- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- up to issuers discretion
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- prove need to carry
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

New Mexico- D
No concealed carry is allowed, HOWEVER, the carrying of handguns is allowed inside motor vehicles without a permit.

New York- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- show proper cause to carry
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

North Carolina- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, military, mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement or correctional facilities, state and federal buildings, posted buildings, schools, assemblies, bars
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training, $90 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT, VA

North Dakota- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- bars, gaming sites, sporting events, schools, churches, political rallies and events, concerts, public parks and buildings, public gatherings
6. Licensing Procedures- $25 for three years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, NH, SD, UT, WY,

Ohio- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

Oklahoma- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- bars, government buildings, government meetings, prisons, schools, professional sporting events, betting facilities
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training, $100 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AK, AR, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, TX, UT, VA, WY

Oregon- A minus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- courtrooms, federal buildings, airports
6. Licensing Procedures- $65 for four years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT

Pennsylvania- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, military and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- no specific list
6. Licensing Procedures- $19 for four years, pass background check
7. Reciprocity- AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, ND, UT, WY

Rhode Island- D
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- may issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- no check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- up to issuers discretion
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- up to issuers discretion
6. Licensing Procedures- prove need to carry, $20 for two years
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, UT

South Carolina- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- jails, law-enforcement offices, courtrooms, polling places, local government offices, school or college athletic events, day cares, churches, hospitals
6. Licensing Procedures- $50 for four years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, AR, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, TN, UT, VA, WY

South Dakota- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- bars, state capital, courthouses
6. Licensing Procedures- $6 for four years, pass background check
7. Reciprocity- AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, ND, UT, WY

Tennessee- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill, habitual drunkard
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- posted building
6. Licensing Procedures- $100 for four years
7. Reciprocity- AK, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, MT, SC, TX, UT, VA

Texas- B
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, financial, mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill, those that owe child support, taxes or student loans
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- schools, polling places, racetracks, airports, bars, sporting events, correctional facilities, hospitals, amusement parks, churches, government meetings
6. Licensing Procedures- $140 for four years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, AZ, AR, FL, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, MT, OK, TN, UT, VA, WY

Utah- B plus
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry-airports, federal government property
6. Licensing Procedures- $140 for four years, pass background check, complete training course
7. Reciprocity- AL, AZ, AK, AR, FL, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, OK, SC, SD, VA. WY

Vermont- A plus
Allows residents and non-residents to open carry or carry concealed without a permit.

Virginia- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, mental military check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- habitual drunkard, felons, dishonorable discharges
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- any place that serves alcohol
6. Licensing Procedures- $50 for five years, pass background check and complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, TN, UT, WV

Washington- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- not required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- courts, jails, mental institutions, bars
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, $60 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, VA

Washington, DC- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

West Virginia- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal, military, mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, criminals, mentally ill, dishonorably discharged
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- school, courts, posted property
6. Licensing Procedures- $50 for five years, pass background check, complete training
7. Reciprocity- AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MT, UT, VA

Wisconsin- F
No concealed carry is allowed.

Wyoming- A
1. May Issue vs. Shall Issue- shall issue
2. Safety Training- required
3. Thoroughness of Background Check- criminal and mental health check
4. Persons Prohibited from Carrying- felons, drug offenders, habitual drunkard, mentally ill
5. Prohibited Places to Carry- law-enforcement facilities, prisons, courtrooms, meetings of government, schools, athletic events, churches, federal government property
6. Licensing Procedures- pass background check, complete training, $50 for five years
7. Reciprocity- AL, AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS. MT, NH, ND, OK, PA, SC, SD, TX, UT

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