
Press Releases

Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer, author of “Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Culture,” gets the nod for the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award for August.  In nominating Ms. Mercer for the Award, John Michael Snyder, CCRKBA Public...

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August 2004

In Bellevue, Washington, CCRKBA hailed an announcement by the government in Saudi Arabia that foreigners who feel threatened by a wave of militant violence can carry guns for their personal protection. “This sensible move by the Saudi government...

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California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did the right thing when he vetoed SB1177, a so-called "gun safety education" bill, because of its potential to allow anti-gun propaganda to be taught in the guise of safety, the Citizens Committee for the...

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