Mar 9, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA — The campaign endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden by Everytown for Gun Safety—the gun prohibition lobbying group bankrolled by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg—is “All gun owners need to know about the man who wants to be their next...
Mar 5, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – U.S. Senator Charles Schumer should apologize to the Supreme Court and then resign and go back to Brooklyn for threatening Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name, during a rally, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said...
Mar 3, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Democrat Joe Biden made it clear in Texas that he despises American gun owners by declaring former rival Beto O’Rourke, the gun-grabbing former Texas congressman, as his point man on what he called “the gun problem,” the Citizens Committee for the Right...
Feb 26, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA — Former Vice President Joe Biden is widely known for his gaffes, but his claim during Tuesday evening’s chaotic Democratic debate that “150 million people have been killed since 2007” was simply outrageous, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep...
Feb 25, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – When nearly 180 women from the Cincinnati, Ohio area attended a concealed carry certification class, learning the fundamentals of personal protection with firearms, they “re-defined the term ‘woke,’” according to the chairman of the Citizens Committee...
Feb 21, 2020 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Targeting what it calls “harmfully misleading” information, Twitter has identified a tweet from presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders that shows he was all wet when he claimed 40 percent of gun sales in the U.S. didn’t include a background check,...