Aug 2, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today hailed Louisiana Gov. Mike Foster for suggesting that women consider getting concealed pistol licenses and arm themselves as one option against a serial killer in Baton...
Jul 12, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Once again, the Violence Policy Center (VPC) has revealed it is far more interested in creating unarmed victims than preventing deadly crimes, whether they are street-level robberies and rapes, or mass homicides in commercial aircraft and...
Jul 11, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Calling it a “tremendous victory for airline passenger safety,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) hailed Wednesday’s 310-113 vote by the House of Representatives to arm commercial airline pilots,...
Jul 10, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA. – His third term in the United States Senate scheduled to end in two years, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today said that Arizona Sen. John McCain should retire from public service, rather than seek re-election...
Jul 2, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – A report this week that Illinois homicides are on the rise came as no surprise to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), which blames the state’s anti-self defense laws for the increasing bloodshed....
Jun 27, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – A month has passed since Seattle Urban League President James Kelly was accused of flashing a concealed handgun during an argument with another man on the grounds of Rainier Beach High School, yet the Seattle City Attorney’s office claims it...