Jan 20, 2009 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Internet Project: If anyone knows of a local or state ACLU chapter that supports the Second Amendment as an “individual right,” please e-mail me at www@saf.org NEW: ALCU Chapter stumped on Responding to Question on Meaning of the Second Amendment....
Jan 1, 2006 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The FBI has finally drawn a line in the sand. There will be no more favors for this White House or any other White House, it seems. Henceforth the Bureau will look after its own interests and, apparently, stop squandering its once vaunted prestige by carrying out the...
Mar 28, 2001 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Cincinnati Enquirer Wednesday, March 28, 2001 Local Voices, Page B7 http://enquirer.com/ Posted for educational purposes only. Chuck Klein is a member of the Enquirer’s Local Voices panel, which contributes columns to the opinion pages twice a week. Does...
Jan 1, 2000 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
This article was originally published in the Grand Forks Herald on 10/09/94. http://www.gfherald.com Posted for educational purposes only. Prof. John Salter is the Director of the Indian Studies Program at the University of North Dakota. By John R. Salter Jr. GRAND...
Jan 1, 2000 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
These collections of important quotes are designed to educate people on the real nature of the gun control debate. These quotes are helpful for debates, research papers, and letters to the editor. The quotes are listed by category and whenever possible, a hyperlink to...
Jan 1, 2000 | General Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Few events obtain the same instant worldwide news coverage as multiple victim public shootings. These crimes allow us to study the alternative methods used to kill a large number of people (e.g., shootings versus bombings), marginal deterrence and the severity of the...