Mar 1, 2005 | News Releases
The arrest of a Springfield, IL anti-gun activist by police who allegedly found an illegal handgun and drugs in her home during a contested search prompted the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to bid Annette “Flirty” Stevens a...
Feb 28, 2005 | News Releases
San Francisco gun banners would put residents at the mercy of thugs and drug dealers, and the proof lies just across the bay in Oakland, where a local resident there has had to defend himself for trying to help rid his neighborhood of criminals. The Citizens Committee...
Feb 22, 2005 | News Releases
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today condemned a sensational report on CNN that not only alerts potential terrorists on possible misuses of .50-caliber sporting rifles, but also literally provides a “road map” on how to...
Feb 1, 2005 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
Nathan Tabor of Kernersville, NC is the February recipient of the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award.  CCRKBA Public Affairs Director John Michael Snyder noted that, “During this time of continuing political and legislative conflict regarding the...
Jan 19, 2005 | News Releases
A bill submitted to the Maryland General Assembly that would add 20 years to a criminal’s prison sentence if he uses a so-called “assault rifle” when committing a violent crime amounts to “frivolous pandering to anti-gun extremism,” the...