Apr 12, 2005 | News Releases
Legislation passed in Kansas last week is a good first step toward bringing the gun rights of Sunflower State residents into the 21st Century, according to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). The legislation contains a new section that...
Apr 11, 2005 | News Releases
An exposé by USAToday on the Clinton-era Community Oriented Policing Services (‘COPS’) project shows the program wasted millions of dollars, never put the promised 100,000 new police on the streets, and has not been a panacea to crime. The COPS program was...
Apr 7, 2005 | News Releases
The Milwaukee, Wis. District Attorney’s office “made the right call” in deciding not to file any charges against a 64-year-old man who fatally shot one of five youths who attacked him in a gas station April 3, the Citizens Committee for the Right to...
Apr 7, 2005 | News Releases
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today applauded New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson for signing legislation that expands his state’s concealed carry law, allowing more citizens to legally arm themselves for personal protection....
Apr 1, 2005 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
In recent months, a number of writers and commentators have put forth the view that, in view of last November’s election results, the political and legislative battle for the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms is all but won.  That,...