Apr 18, 2007 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – It took less than 24 hours for authorities to trace two handguns used by Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung Hui, proving that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is lying when he claims that legitimate law enforcement access to trace data is being blocked by...
Apr 6, 2007 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said it is an outrage that the Los Angeles city council supports new efforts to ratchet down on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, while it touts itself a “Sanctuary City†for...
Apr 5, 2007 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Had it not been for a Seattle ordinance that forbids police officers from routinely ascertaining a suspect’s immigration status, Monday’s murder-suicide at the University of Washington might have been prevented because the perpetrator would have...
Apr 1, 2007 | News Releases
[gview file=”https://ccrkba.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/gt148.pdf”]
Apr 1, 2007 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
Several years ago, the U.S. Justice Department under John Ashcroft, the Attorney General at the time, declared that the Second Amendment refers to an individual right to keep and bear arms. At the time, CCRKBA acclaimed this as a most significant development in the...