Apr 4, 2008 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Reports that state lawmakers are considering the release of thousands of prison inmates across the country to save money amount to a public outrage, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. The Associated Press reported...
Apr 2, 2008 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday insulted millions of legally-armed American citizens when he told a Pennsylvania newspaper that concealed carry poses a threat to innocent people, and he should immediately apologize for that remark, the Citizens...
Apr 1, 2008 | Gottlieb Tartaro Report
[gview file=”https://ccrkba.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/gt160.pdf”]
Apr 1, 2008 | Quick Shots
 With presidential and congressional elections coming up later this year, 2008 is a most important time for defending and promoting the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms. To participate in significant...
Apr 1, 2008 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
John F. Stossel, a consumer reporter, author and co-anchor for the network television ABC News show 20/20, has been named CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month for April. In nominating Stossel for the Award, John M. Snyder, CCRKBA Public Affairs Director, said that,...