Apr 18, 2002 | News Releases
Sacramento, CA – Senator Don Perata (D-East Bay) is the latest extremist to attempt to impose a tax on the U.S. Constitution. It is un-American in the wake of 9-11 that Senator Perata would attempt to impose a tax on Americans who exercise their Constitutional...
Apr 15, 2002 | News Releases
The Hamilton County Commissioners will discuss ending the County’s involvement in the Ohio Supreme Court Appeal in the landmark concealed carry lawsuit funded by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) on Wednesday, April 17th at 9:30 AM in Room 603 at 138 E. Court...
Apr 10, 2002 | News Releases
A unanimous Appeals Court ruled that Ohio’s ban on carrying concealed firearms is unconstitutional in a very strongly worded opinion. The monumental decision upheld Judge Ruehlman’s trial court decision and legalizes concealed carry in Hamilton County for...
Apr 2, 2002 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA. – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today condemned a lawsuit against the firearms industry by Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham of Jersey City as “a wasteful use of public money in an effort more designed to promote headlines than public...
Apr 1, 2002 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
Tracy K. Bridges of the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, VA has been named the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award for April.  “Tracy, who throughout his adult life has been a firearms enthusiast and defender of the right to keep and bear arms,...