Brad Edmonds

Brad Edmonds of Montgomery, AL is the July recipient of the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award. Edmonds “has become a prolific, analytical and articulate cyberspace proponent of the individual Sec-ond Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens...

April 2001

“When I hear about the United Nations getting involved with anything to do with firearms,” states Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia, a CCRKBA Legislator of the Year Awardee, “I worry about it because I think their agenda is an anti-gun agenda… „The UN right now is...

January 2001

President George W. Bush “now owes a major debt of gratitude to gun owners,” wrote Cable News Network opinion survey analyst William Schneider in a recent issue of National Journal. “Among the nearly half of voters with a gun in the household, Bush carried more...

John M. Snyder

Citing his willingness to cover the gun rights issue with “a truly objective, and maybe even a pro-gun point of view,” CCRKBA Public Affairs Director John M. Snyder has nominated- Kenneth Smith, deputy Editorial Page editor at the Washington Times with the January...

Carmen Amedori

Delegate Carmen Amedori of Carroll County, Maryland is the recipient of the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award for April. In nominating Delegate Amedori for the Award, John Michael Snyder, CCRKBA Public Affairs Director, noted that, “these days,...