October 2007

A Brady Campaign news release headline claiming that “huge” crowds turned out across America for anti-gun protests in late August was both false and misleading, CCRKBA said last month. “Careful analysis of news coverage, or the lack of it in the 24 hours...

September 2007

Former President George H.W. Bush got his World War Two service revolver back in August, 60 years after giving it to a Navy lieutenant aboard the submarine that rescued him when his place was shot down over the Pacific Ocean, reported the Associated Press. Bush...

August 2007

The U.S. Department of Labor announced in mid-July that it will significantly revise a recent proposal for new “explosives safety” regulations. The original rule proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would have forced the closure of...

July 2007

In Washington, D.C., CCRBKA announced its support for H.R. 2424, the proposed Citizens Protection Act of 2007, by Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, to repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and Amendments to that Act. The Gun Free School Zones Act makes it unlawful for...

June 2007

In Washington, D.C., CCRKBA announced its opposition to H.R. 1874, by Rep. Robert E. Andrews of New Jersey, to require microstamping of all firearms manufactured or imported in the United States, and ballistics testing of all firearms in the custody of the federal...