February 2008

With elections for state legislatures as well as for federal offices coming up later this year, it is important for you to establish contact with your state legislators, whether they are Democrat or Republican, pro-gun or anti-gun. All gun owners need to write, e-mail...

January 2008

As we begin a new year, let’s consider the future of the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms. Critical to its future is our young law-abiding armed citizenry. It’s important for the future of the right to...

December 2007

In Washington, D.C., CCRKBA announced its opposition to S. 2237, by Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware, a 2008 presidential candidate. “Although Biden is promoting this measure simply as a ‘bill to fight crime,’ in reality it contains provisions which, if...

November 2007

In California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a measure requiring that the make, model and serial number of a firearm be microstamped onto the internal working parts of all semiautomatic handguns in such a manner that those identifiers are imprinted onto...