Jun 6, 2014 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
U.S. RESIDENT HELPS SECOND AMENDMENT FIGHT Recent history has shown us that in the fight to advance gun rights for all American, it sometimes falls to a resident non-citizen to do some heavy lifting on behalf of the Second Amendment, and so it was with Martin Pot...
May 6, 2014 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
JOHN JACKSON TAKES STAND, WINS NEW MEXICO CCW CASE When John W. Jackson, a New Mexico resident and Australian citizen, sought the ability to carry a concealed handgun for his personal protection and discovered that under the state law he was disallowed because of his...
Mar 13, 2014 | Legal Issues
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is the sister organization of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. SAF handles litigation and other legal matters on the Second Amendment. Please visit its website at www.saf.org.
May 5, 2013 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA — President Barack Obama was right when he told a Mexican audience Friday that many of the guns used in crime south of the border came from the United States, and he should know since his administration allowed thousands of those firearms to walk during...
Jun 1, 2012 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
Sean Caranna founded FloridaOpen Carry immediately after the U.S. Supreme Court held in Mc-Donald v. Chicago that the Second Amendment applies to states and localities on June 28th 2010.Six months later, Florida Carry,Inc. was born to expand the original mission of...