Nov 14, 2014 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said the announcement by Buffalo, N.Y. police that they will begin confiscating guns registered to recently deceased citizens “is not simply cold-hearted, it is ghoulish.” CCRKBA Chairman...
Nov 6, 2014 | Gun Rights Defender of the Month
BROADCASTER LARS LARSON DEFENDS GUN RIGHTS When tragedy struck a western Washington high school just days before a volatile gun control initiative battle was to be decided at the polls, nationally-syndicated talk host, and Oregon native, Lars Larson weighed in with a...
Oct 24, 2014 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – Backers of Initiative 591 in Washington State, whose campaign signs were stolen by a Bellevue resident and former city councilwoman who now faces possible theft charges, are asking for leniency from the Bellevue City Attorney in the case. The appeal...
Oct 20, 2014 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – A new policy announced by the British Home Office recently to allow unannounced searches of the homes of registered British gun owners should raise alarms among Americans who are threatened with increasingly restrictive gun laws pushed by wealthy...
Oct 8, 2014 | News Releases
BELLEVUE, WA – A new Rasmussen Poll showing that 70 percent of Americans believe someone needs to be convicted of a crime before their property can be seized underscores the need to prohibit gun confiscations without due process, a major tenet of Initiative 591 in...