BELLEVUE, WA – John Petrolino, well-known author of “Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use,” and regular contributing writer at Ammoland News, Bearing, and The Truth About Guns, has been elected to fill a position on the Board of Directors for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

A U.S. Merchant Marine officer, and an NRA-certified pistol, rifle and shotgun instructor, Petrolino is also known as “The Pen Patriot.” He is a veteran gun rights advocate, who has long been active in efforts to change New Jersey’s gun control laws.

He has also been busy helping generate publicity about the Second Amendment Foundation—CCRKBA’s sister organization—which this year is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Petrolino was recently honored by the Second Amendment Foundation as the recipient of its annual Journalist of the Year award during ceremonies at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Diego. SAF annually co-hosts the event with CCRKBA.

“We’re delighted to have John joining us as a member of the CCRKBA Board of Directors,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “His background as a journalist and experience as a gun rights activist in New Jersey, quite literally working ‘behind enemy lines’ as it were, will be valuable assets to the board as we head into the future. We welcome John and look forward to having him help guide the committee in the months and years ahead.”

“It’s a complete honor to have been elected to serve as a member of the board of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Petrolino said. “Being part of the Committee is being part of a national institution, the oldest lobbying organization for safeguarding the Second Amendment as a civil right. I look forward to faithfully executing my duties and will do my best to offer good and honest stewardship to the Committee.”