I n Washington, D.C., U.S. District
Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled
that John W. Hinckley, Jr., 50, may
spend seven overnight visits with
his parents at their home in a gated
community in Williamsburg, Virginia.
In 1981 Hinckley violated a number
of Washington, D.C. and other gun
control laws to shoot President
Ronald Reagan and also to wound
presidential press secretary James
Brady, a Secret Service agent and
a Washington police officer. This
will be the farthest afield Hinckley
has traveled since he was found
innocent by reason of insanity in
1982. The U.S. Department of Justice
had opposed Hinckley’s request. It
could appeal the decision of Judge
Friedman, who was appointed to the
bench by President Bill Clinton in
1994. The Associated Press reported
that spokesman John Nowacki of the
Justice Department said the Department
was reviewing the judicial order.
In Springfield, Illinois, the Illinois
State Rifle Association (ISRA), a
CCRKBA affiliate, is asking Illinois
Attorney General Lisa Madigan to
investigate unprecedented delays
in the processing of Firearm Owner
ID (FOID) cards by the Illinois State
Police. Press reports indicate people
applying for FOID cards are waiting
for months instead of weeks for
state police to process new applications
as well as renewals. State
law requires people who own or buy
firearms to have a current FOID card
or else face felony charges. ISRA
said slowdowns in processing FOID
cards have caused some gun owners
to unwittingly violate the law. ISRA
Executive Director Richard Pearson
stated that, “the state police are
obligated by law to process firearm
ID card applications within 30 days.
It’s clear that they aren’t living up to
that obligation, and the law-abiding
gun owners of Illinois want to know
what’s behind this mess.”
In Concord, New Hampshire,
some state representatives are
concerned about perceived abuses
of federal power during the Hurricane
Katrina crisis in Louisiana and
other Gulf Coast states. They are
reviewing a bill that would criminalize
certain weapon seizures, even if
the perpetrators are federal officers.
House Bill 1639-FN would prohibit
the confiscation of lawfully owned
and lawfully carried firearms during a
state of emergency and make a felon
of any law enforcement officer who
attempts to seize a firearm during a
disaster. State Rep. Paul Hopfgarten
introduced this Gun Protection Bill,
which would provide that, “any law
enforcement officer, person acting
as a law enforcement officer, or other
public official who confiscates or
attempts to confiscate lawfully carried
or lawfully owned firearms in
this state during a declared state of
emergency shall be charged with a
class A felony.”
In Boulder County, Colorado, a
suspected burglar is behind bars
after an elderly couple scared him
off by firing a “warning shot” over
his head, the Sheriff’s Office said.
The home invasion occurred early
New Year’s Day, reported TheDenverChannel.
com. The couple told
deputies that a man had tried to
break into their home by kicking in
the front door. The male homeowner
yelled at the man several times to go
away, but when the burglar would
not listen, the man grabbed a gun
and fired a “warning shot” over the
burglar’s head, the Sheriff’s Office
said. Deputies arrived and found
22-year-old Michael Gadbois hiding
in a bush nearby. They took him into
custody without incident. He did not
receive any injuries from the warning
shot. Gadbois faces a charge of
attempted second-degree burglary
and criminal mischief.
In Baltimore, Maryland, James
M. Purtillo, Ph.D., a CCRKBA Gun
Rights Defender of the Month, reports
in Tripwire, a Maryland gun rights
advocacy newsletter, that, “the FBI’s
2004 crime reports are in: Baltimore
topped the nation for murder and
aggravated assault. With his police
force under fire for unconstitutional
‘stop and frisk’ programs (he wants
cops to grab guns instead of thugs),
Mayor Martin O’Malley’s administration
responds by paying $500,000 to
an advertising firm to create a new
slogan and attract tourists anyway.
He promised to make Baltimore
number one – he didn’t mention it
would be for crime!”
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