National gun rights leaders will be joining with hundreds of local activists for the 1998 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC). This year’s FREE conference will highlight lessons learned from recent court and legislative battles and provide gun owners with necessary skills to defend themselves and their heritage against hysterical anti-gun foes in the media, classrooms, courtrooms and legislative entities.

“Washington State was chosen because it has become a hotspot for anti-gun efforts,” said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. “Not only was an anti-gun initiative sent to the people in 1997, but the rabidly anti-gun Governor Gary Locke recently vetoed reciprocity for out-of-state concealed carry licenses as well as shooting range protection legislation, despite strong bipartisan support for both.”

The 1998 GRPC is entitled “Grassroots Victory!” and this theme is one of the main reasons the conference will be held in Seattle, Washington. Washington gun owners defeated the handgun owner registration and handgun confiscation Initiative 676 by a resounding vote of 71% against to just 29% in support. These same activists are now taking the offensive against gun grabbers by using innovative techniques.

“This year’s GRPC will help train gun owners from across the country to achieve the same kinds of results in their area as we are getting in Washington State,” said John Barnett, SAF Executive Director and GRPC coordinator. “Come to GRPC ’98 and learn not only how to defend your rights, but also push a pro-gun agenda with dramatic results!”

Many crucial issues will be addressed in discussion and review. This includes: Future of “Shall Issue” Concealed Carry Reform, SAF’s Lawsuit Against Clinton’s Gun and Magazine Ban, National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Licenses, How Gun Owners Defeated I-676, Implementation of National Instant Check Status, Cops & Guns, plus much, much more!

Many past GRPC participants return year after year because they recognize the GRPC as the best place to meet national pro-gun leaders, network with gun activists and enthusiasts from around the country, and build grassroots with other local gun owners.

“This is your best chance to find out the opinions and strategies of national gun-rights leaders for the future of the gun-rights movement,” stated Gottlieb. “These same top leaders will also be at the GRPC to listen to your personal ideas and goals.”

The conference features top gun-rights leaders and special guests who will focus on creating legislative, legal and educational strategies to increase our victories in the coming year. Past speakers include: Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Rep. Bob Barr, Rep. Helen Chenoweth, talk show host G. Gordon Liddy, Pat Buchanan, SAF President Joe Tartaro, SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb, NRA board member Neal Knox, pro-gun attorney & author David Kopel, self-defense expert Massad Ayoob, American Shooting Sports Council Executive Director Richard Feldman, as well as many other national leaders from across the country.

In addition to analyzing our future opportunities and current strategies, attendees will hear and participate in discussions of all areas of the gun rights debate, including how to counter anti-gun claims, become more involved in the pro-gun movement, and affect future legislation and elections.

“Anyone who considers themselves a gun-rights’ activist cannot afford to miss GRPC ’98. The stakes are too high and many battles are too close to call,” stated Barnett.

GRPC ’98 is expected to break all previous attendance records. Early reservations are recommended because space availability is limited and registrations are coming in faster than normal.

The event runs on September 18, 19 and 20 at the Double Tree Hotel located at the Seatac Airport in Seattle, Washington. GRPC participants are eligible for a special room rate of only $99 a night for single, double, triple or quadruple occupancy. Those individuals choosing United Airlines and booking flights through our exclusive agent will receive a 5% discount of the lowest published fare in place at that time. To book airline or hotel reservations, call Wendy Smith at 425-454-2020.

Start making plans today for the 13th annual GRPC before rooms and flights fill up. Register for GRPC by calling SAF at (425) 454-7012. Submit your agenda items or reservations by writing to: Dave LaCourse o 1998 Gun Rights Policy Conference o c/o Second Amendment Foundation o 12500 NE 10th Place o Bellevue, WA 98005. Fax a reservation or agenda item to SAF at (425) 451-3959 or E-mail to

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